Examinations before conception
When the couple decides that they want to have a child, it is necessary before beginning to try to undergo the following examinations:
The woman should undergo:
- A) Blood tests
Blood Generation: It shows if anemia exists so that it can be corrected before the woman becomes pregnant,
Hemoglobin electrophoresis (Hb): It shows whether there is a Mediterranean anemia marker – something quite common in the Greek population,
Rubella Antibodies (IgG-IgM): It shows if there is immunity to redness. Rubella in pregnancy causes abnormalities in the embryo such as eye damage, deafness, cardiac damage and mental retardation,
Cytomegalovirus (IgG-IgM): It shows if there is a cytomegalovirus infection, a virus that is transmitted like flu. Cytomegalovirus infection in pregnancy is severe as it can cause microcephaly in the embryo, swelling in the liver or spleen and psychomotor retardation and is not amenable to treatment,
Toxoplasma Antibodies (IgG-IgM): It shows if there is a toxoplasm infection, a parasite transmitted through the cat. Toxoplasm infection at 1st pregnancy quarter is severe as it may cause endometrial death or birth of a newborn with congenital toxoplasmosis,
Hepatitis B (HbsAg): control for hepatitis B,
Hepatitis B (anti – HCV): control for hepatitis B,
HIV I + II: screening for AIDS,
VDRL or RPR: testing for syphilis,
Control for cystic fibrosis: It is a hereditary condition that causes death at an early age. To get sick, one must have two pathological genes inherited by both of his parents, who may be carriers of the disease without knowing it. The probability of the birth of a child with cystic fibrosis in the general population is 1: 500 and in Greece the carriers of the pathological gene are estimated at more than 500,000. The disease causes the production of dense mucus, which mainly blocks the lungs and the pancreas, resulting in their severe deficiency from a very young age and later in death.
- B) Full gynecological control with
Intravaginal ultrasound: Full control of uterine and ovarian anatomy is performed and excludes diseases such as fibroids, polyps, cysts, hydrosalpinx, etc.,
Pap smear test: It is a screening test that detects abnormal cells in the cervix, which can later evolve into cancer cells,
Intravaginal cultures: Check for germs that cause vaginitis, cervicitis and/or sterilization, and if there is a positive result, a treatment is performed,
Breast examination and recommendation for mammography if it is over 35 years old or has a hereditary history.
The man should undergo:
Blood tests
Complete blood count,
Hemoglobin electrophoresis (Hb),
Hepatitis B (HbsAg),
Hepatitis C (anti-HCV),
VDRL or RPR (tests for syphilis),
Test for cystic fibrosis.